Modeling Portfolio Pages A fashion model resource for models to display their professional model portfolio and get scouted and freelance work from modeling agencies, designers, photographers, peers, and other modeling professionals who contract models, actresses, and talent. Create Model Portfolio

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Add Your Photo

Post your best photos, get extra recognition and fanfare.

Click on 'Browse' to locate an image from your computer to upload to your site.
(Only select a .JPG or .GIF file, be sure the image is not too large).
  • Email: Password:
  • Locate Image:
  • Then Click:
  • Requirements:
  • Make sure your images are around 40-50kb. Any image that exceeds 80kb will be removed. Images above this size will take an exorbitant amount of time for your modelingpage to load.
    -To achieve this make sure images are about:
    -500px Tall for vertical images.
    -400px Wide for horizontal images.
    -Use .jpg images and choose image compression.

  • Notes:
  • .jpg (JPeg) images are recommended for the web. They can load faster and are prefered over gif type images.
  • Be sure to crop your photos, and give the photos a a general touch up. There are many image editors out there. Also be sure that your photos are not too big. Remember cleaner and crisper images will give you and your webpage a more professional appearance.

    Google Picasa
    Paint Shop Pro
    Adobe PhotoShop Elements or PhotoShop really strong photo editor but expensive.

    Paint Shop Pro Tips

    To crop:
    Select the tool on the left hand side that looks like a box.
    You can then "click and drag creating a box shape" around any area on the photo.
    then select "Image"- (The option on the top menu)
    then select "crop to selection"

    To Resize:
    Select "Image"- (The option on the top menu)
    then select "resize".
    --Select a height of 500px for Vertical photos and don't specify a width..
    --Select a width of 400px for Horizontal photos and don't specify a height..

    then select "Image:
    then select "sharpen" (option)
    then select "sharpen" (filter).
    This will make your image look in focus.

    To Save Optimally:
    Select "File"- (The option on the top menu)
    then select "Save As"
    then select "Save As TYPE" JPEG
    then select "OPTIONS" (Box on bottom right)
    then choose a "Compression" of "20"
    then press save.

  •   Terms of use Disclaimer: You will not hold, California Image or staff responsible for the accuracy of the information or claims posted on Messageboards or Models pages. We do not warrant or vouch for or make claim that any statement or information posted on Messageboards or Models pages as true. All material is the sole responsibility of its author. We can revoke access at anytime without prior written notice. Minors may not use this site without parental supervision. This site may contain artistic nudity. Industry Professionals only! Models, Designers, Photographers, Agents, etc. -By continuing to use this site (viewing or contributing) you agree to accept these terms of use.
    Click here for full Terms of Use
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